Peeks Through Clouds

An effort to brighten darkness with gentle humor and loving truth... a desire to discern both love and truth more and more clearly when I gaze toward Glory... and a spirit-name, properly descriptive, unrequested but received, my own.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Question or Three

Who is it that you seek?

How then shall we live?

How shall we sing the 
Lord’s song in a strange land?

(motivational questions from 
the Northumbria Community, 
via Celtic Christianity.)

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

March Morning

Faint dawn over there, east. 
Here, south, it’s rising wind
and wings and wings of geese.
Oh! And that’s Saturn, and 
there’s Mars, and 
then Antares, and 
then Jupiter, and 
then Spica, and
oh, Luna! How I hate to see you fading,
slipping away to the west, you
and your heavenly strand of pearls!

Wednesday, February 07, 2018


grey-white sky sifts down
in feathery fragments, 
and gradually
the world disappears.
I suppose someone 
will find it beautiful, 
but here, today,
i am only cold.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Mornings Like These

Mornings like these,
I walk the streets of my little town,
remembering who lived over there
and who played where,
wondering who does now,
with false tears pulled from my eyes
by the chilly wind.
The real tears, the ones for souls,
are in my heart.

Oh earth, earth!
Hear the word of the Lord!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Way It Was And Is

I have dared to tweak the text of a giant. My morning reading included some thoughts from Charles H. Spurgeon, and I have taken some very slight liberties to present them to you in even more poetic form, as follows:

In the very beginning,
when this great universe
lay in the mind of God
like unborn forests
in the acorn-cup;
long before echoes
walked the solitudes;
before the mountains
were brought forth;
long ere the light
flashed through the sky,
God loved His chosen creatures.
Before there was creatureship!
When the ether was not yet
fanned by angel's wing;
when space itself
had no existence;
when there was nothing
save God alone;
even then,
in that loneliness of Deity,
in that deep, quiet profundity,
His love moved for His chosen,
and their names
were written on His heart;
even then
were they dear to His soul.

(after Charles H. Spurgeon)

I would like to add this, that you can choose to be among the chosen. You can ask God even now to show you the truth that will set you free, to give you the gift of faith, to write YOUR name on his heart! You will find it has been there, and will be there, forever...

Thursday, August 18, 2016


May you walk in beauty
With eyes wide open
May you walk
With mind wide open
May you walk 
With heart wide open
May you walk
In all your days, in beauty

Friday, August 12, 2016

No, really!

It's nothing really,
and if I ever get there,
that would be something!